A PALS PROVIDER workshop for VinMec hospital in Hanoi, Vietnam
A team of three MSR paramedics went to Vietnam in November for a 10-day Child Resuscitation Workshop.
The training began with a PALS PROVIDER course of the AHA for a team of 15 doctors and nurses at the VinMec International Hospital in Hanoi.
After a successful completion of the basic workshop the MSR team conducted a 3-day train the trainer workshop (TTT) for the 15 doctors and nurses.
These 15 new instructors then provided a PALS PROVIDER workshop to other healthcare providers from the hospital and were mentored by the MSR team.
The PALS PROVIDER workshop was successful thanks to the collaboration between the two teams.
The training visit concluded with a ceremony where trainer certificates were given to the 15 instructors.
From Shay Laufer / Director MSR on Wheels